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The color gold is cousin to the color yellow and the color brown, and is also associated with illumination, love, compassion, courage, passion, magic, and wisdom.

Gold is a precious metal that is associated with wealth, grandeur, and prosperity, as well as sparkle, glitz, and glamour.

A can of Dixie Belle's Black Gilding wax is next to a light blue painted round wood sample. The wood sample has an ornate silicone mold casting that features the black gilding wax on it.
A can of Dixie Belle's Bronze Gilding wax is next to a light blue painted round wood sample. The wood sample has an ornate silicone mold casting that features the bronze gilding wax on it.
A can of Dixie Belle's Copper Gilding wax is next to a light blue painted round wood sample. The wood sample has an ornate silicone mold casting that features the copper gilding wax on it.
A can of Dixie Belle's Gold Gilding wax is next to a light blue painted round wood sample. The wood sample has an ornate silicone mold casting that features the gold gilding wax on it.
A can of Dixie Belle's Silver Gilding wax is next to a light blue painted round wood sample. The wood sample has an ornate silicone mold casting that features the silver gilding wax on it.
A can of Dixie Belle's Zinc Gilding wax is next to a light blue painted round wood sample. The wood sample has an ornate silicone mold casting that features the zinc gilding wax on it.
$6.99 | $12.99
A open Caribbean Dixie Belle Moonshine Metallic Chalk Paint container.
A open Deep Woods Dixie Belle Moonshine Metallic Chalk Paint container.
A open Gold Digger Dixie Belle Moonshine Metallic Chalk Paint container.
A open Pacific Dixie Belle Moonshine Metallic Chalk Paint container.
A open Rozay Dixie Belle Moonshine Metallic Chalk Paint container.
A open Silver Bullet Dixie Belle Moonshine Metallic Chalk Paint container.
A open Steel Magnolia Dixie Belle Moonshine Metallic Chalk Paint container.
A open Wedding Belle Dixie Belle Moonshine Metallic Chalk Paint container.